LibKey Nomad Enhanced Integrations

Modified on Mon, 1 Jul at 10:52 AM

LibKey Nomad provides linking capabilities across hundreds of different domains and thousands of publishers when a user is viewing the article page on the publisher's site.

But there are additional special integrations that provide unique functionality based on a given platform or domain.

Google Scholar

In Google Scholar, when a user has the Nomad extension installed and configured for their library, LibKey Nomad will automatically tell Google Scholar the institution you belong to so that the library's "library links" will show up. Typically, this only happens for a user if:
  1. The user is within the IP range that the library has reported to Google Scholar as being an "on campus" IP
  2. The user is signed into their Google account *and* they have hand-configured Google Scholar to utilize their institution's library links.
Since neither of these may commonly happen, simply installing Nomad helps easily improve the quality of the user experience for Google Scholar users by connecting the search results to the library's collection.

In-Line Enhanced Sites

The following sites are sites where Nomad re-writes the content of the page to insert context-aware links and cover images.

These sites include:
  • PubMedArticle Linking, BrowZine View Complete Issue, Cover Images both in the search results and individual records view
  • WikipediaArticle Linking within References
  • SciFinder-N - Article Linking, BrowZine View Complete Issue, Cover Images both in the search results and individual records view
  • Covidence - Article Linking within the Listing of articles in the Review sections "Title and abstract screening", Full text review", and "Extraction"
  • Scopus - Article Linking, BrowZine View Complete Issue, Cover Images in individual records.
  • EMBASE - Article Linking, BrowZine View Complete Issue, Cover Images in individual records.
  • UpToDate - Article Linking within references
  • Micromedex - Article Linking within references
PubMed Example showing the in-line Nomad Integration: