Via BrowZine:
Go to BrowZine. If your browser has engaged with BrowZine or LibKey previously, you will be directed to your library’s unique BrowZine instance which will feature your institution’s logo. Your Third Iron Library ID will be included in the URL for this page:
If your browser has not engaged with LibKey or BrowZine previously, you will be prompted to select your institution from the list after clicking the red “Choose My Library” button. You will then be directed to your institution’s unique BrowZine instance, where you can follow the previous directions to locate your library’s ID in the resulting URL.

Via LibKey:
A LibKey ID is a numeric value that identifies a library in the LibKey system. You can find your library's LibKey ID by:
- Going to and select your library in the list.
- Perform a search using a test DOI or PMID (example included below); the resulting URL will include your library's LibKey ID ahead of the DOI or PMID being searched:{doi_or_pmid}.
- Example searching using DOI 10.3390/nu13030715 where you can choose your library:
If a Third Iron Test library is selected, the resulting URL would be the following and show '222' as the library ID:
- Example searching using DOI 10.3390/nu13030715 where you can choose your library:
If you are not sure of your Library ID, please contact to ask for it.