Adding a BrowZine Search Box to OpenAthens

Modified on Tue, 17 Dec, 2024 at 3:32 PM

Libraries can easily add a BrowZine journal search box to an OpenAthens panel! This enables your users to search BrowZine directly from your OpenAthens home page. This feature is explained in more detail in this API documentation.

As indicated in the above-linked article, OpenAthens users must follow a specific process for adding a search panel.

Add an OpenAthens BrowZine-enabled Search Panel:

(These instructions are specific to OpenAthens users; libraries using other systems should click the link above for setup instructions.)

  1. Login to your OpenAthens Administrator Portal

  2. Go to Management > MyAthens

  3. Click on Panel Editor at the top of the screen

  4. Click "Add a Panel” and then "Custom Search Panel”
    (Do not select "Blank Web Content” as the search will not function properly using this method)

  5. Set the Panel Options as follows:

    • Title: Give your search box a title, such as "Search Journals in BrowZine"

    • Search Engine URLPaste in the url below, replacing the red  <library_id>with your custom library ID<library_id>/external-search
    • HTTP Method: get

    • Submit button text: "Search" (ok to customize)

    • Submit button value: leave blank 

    • Add fieldsClick the "Add input box" button (this adds a text field to the form)

          Box title: Give the search field a label, such as "Journal title, ISSN or subject"
          Parameter name: "query"

  6. Click the Update button to save the Panel Options

  7. Once you are satisfied with the search panel, click the “Publish these panels” link in the box at the top of the page. When the confirmation opens, click OK.

  8. Test the search box to ensure it’s working correctly. If you have any questions or concerns, please email