"Home Grown" A-Z system or no system at all! (Automatic Sync and Manual Upload)

Modified on Thu, 10 Nov, 2022 at 10:23 AM

Automatic Sync

If you work with a system that can automatically generate a report as described below and post it in a zip, csv format to your server for BrowZine to use to update your account, please contact us and let us know!  We are happy to work with your technology!  If this is not possible, please see the manual upload information below.

Manual Upload

If your library does not subscribe to a compatible A-Z list, but still has a way to produce a report of your e-journal holdings information, we can usually work with it if the file meets a few specifications!

1) Produce a text file in tab-delimited, UTF-8 format.

2) This file MUST contain the following columns. It *can* contain MORE columns, but should not have LESS that this. Please pay close attention to the formatting requirements in parentheses.
  • Journal Title
  • ISSN (if available)
  • eISSN (if available)
  • Source (name of platform/publisher/aggregator that provides full text - example: HighWire, Project MUSE, ScienceDirect, ProQuest, etc.)
  • Start Date (in MM/DD/YYYY, YYYYMMDD, or YYYY format)
    • For Moving Wall/Relative Start Date coverage use a value of "__ calendar years" (e.g.: “5 calendar years”) with a numerical value to specify years
  • End Date (in MM/DD/YYYY, YYYYMMDD or YYYY format)
    • For Moving Wall/Relative Start Date coverage the end date can be left blank
    • If your coverage is current please use a blank end date
  • Embargo Information (must specify units after the value - examples: "1 year", "7 days", "6 months")

3) This file should contain all of your e-journal institutions holdings information consolidated into a single document on a single tab. We cannot process multiple files or one file with multiple tabs.

4) Zip this file and upload it on our Holdings Upload Page.

File Template

We have prepared an empty file that you may download and use as a model. Simply fill out the existing columns with data, per the formatting requirements noted above.

Download Template File

If you have any further questions or would like us to recommend a compatible A-Z list for you, please contact us for assistance.